Sunday, September 30, 2018

Medication and LAGS

Medication update and the LAGS

A relatively short post, but I've been doing more with the cycling and running and having the break from OrangeTheory to focus on something like my health has been different and allowing me to spend time on a different sport.
So what is LAGS well if you're in IT like me then it stands for latest and greatest syndrome as you always have to have the latest gadget!
But before I digress at my last appointment before the duathlon my BP wasn't low enough for him so my focus is to try for 130/80. That is going to be a huge challenge for me. My BP has never been able to get low enough on a consistent basis. I attribute it to my diet. I'll be honest, but also warned by the doc to have a healthy balance of sodium. So until then he's increased one of the doses for my BP and to see if that has any effect. WE shall see in about a month near the end of October if more adjustments are required. Only time will tell.

Now back to the LAGS. So as you know I've done my Duathlon and once that was done it was one of the hardest cycling the three of us did as I had a mountain bike and the ladies had their hybrids sooooo doing a duathlon road race and NOT on a road bike was a challenge in its own. So I've been looking around and seeing posts from people on what to do. Do I go used, end of season, new??? Then I remembered the term LAGS and of course is this just a phase? I'm really not sure so at the moment as I type this I don't have any desire now to invest a ton of money into an actual road bike, but even if I get a used one and try that at another duathlon I will be in a much better zone then pushing with the resistance of a giant tire versus the speed of an actual road bike.
However, I did invest on the mountain bike or rather the sport a new headlight as some of our rides did go in the wee hours; some cycling shorts as my butt was really starting to feel it; and some cycling gloves. A small consolation for NOT buying a thousand dollar bike! 😏

next post road to Canada Army Run

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