Wednesday, April 3, 2019

March Out like a Lion


It's been awhile since my last post so I may/will be doubling up as I've been quite busy with activities, planning trips and just all the things.

I gave in my Holter on the 20th of March and now I wait for my appointment to meet with my cardiologist/electrophysiologist.
In the meantime, when I registered for Ottawa Race Weekend there was an offer to use an online coach for "free" and when I say free it means you have to register and link up your stats from Garmin and/or Strava or whatever fitness app you use.

Choose your app wisely 😄
So I decided to give this a whirl and input/sync my data. It takes in all your activities (if you've synced" asks you a bunch of questions on your goals and fitness and it spits out a training plan. Pretty easy.
I'll be honest with my moderate pacing and desire to run is pretty high I have to take this schedule with a grain of salt until I get the all clear. So far my review is positive that it was easy to configure, but I don't really have access to a physical "coach" and if I want to talk to the virtual coach then guess what it is extra. Surprise!
For now I will let this play out for race weekend and give a proper review as so far it's relatively easy and I don't see any issue with using it, but you have to be more religious with following the plan. It is something different for me.

Snowboarding/Smuggler's Notch

I went out I can tell you when I was wearing my Holter on my 1st outing of the 2019 season it was at Calabogie. Of course I went with my snowboarding wife Eunice.
Top of Calabogie overview of the lake
Then of course once the Holter came off I was off to our annual trip with the ski club to Vermont and to shred three mountains. We pretty much go every year and some disappointment and some stellar shredding. You can never rely on mother nature and old man winter to agree on what will happen in March so this year we decided to go early for peak season access and we were not disappointed as a Nor'easter headed up the coast with about 58cm of snow that fell Friday and well into Saturday. There was a lot of snow. In fact my SUV got stuck in the parking lot and the girls had to push me out.
The following morning after arrival

So Much Snow
Lia and I waiting for the lift


Follow the leader

Mix of Rain and snow over 48 hours

After the Nor'Easter

The winds were wicked

Snow Shower
Sun came out
Girls and I dug the SUV out
SUV has been freed

Cardiac Rehab Follow Up

It had been almost six weeks that I had met with Guy-Anne to go over my exercise routine to see how I would adapt to the exercise program. Unfortunately I was WAY too eager and from what my Garmin stats showed she was not happy that she saw some of my max HR numbers were hitting beyond the agreed to levels. So I will head back to 😡 turtle mode to make sure I let the ♥ heal.

Random News and No April Fool

On April 1 I had to do my civic duty and head down to the Ontario court house to serve as a potential member for the jury. IF you have never done this before you bring the Summons with you (filled out the bottom portion as I forgot) and register with the clerk. You are herded into a waiting area for all the potential jurors. Once you register with their little white cards with your juror number you take a seat once they verify the information on your form. Once all 185 potential jurors have been screened into the waiting area you get to watch a video on becoming a juror and how great it is. That's not the official title, but it was a 10 minute video explaining the process and what to expect. It was ok, but it was a little over the top. They tried to make it more personable which to me made it even more "fromage" so I took it with a grain of salt and awaited to be called en masse to enter into the court room.
Usually the court sessions start at about 10a, but it was started a bit late. So once the judge was ready we all proceeded into the court through a side door and we all sat in the gallery and awaited for the judage. So just like in all the movies and tv shows it is a very formal proceeding and we all rose and sat when told to. The judge apologized for the delay and eventually told us that a last minute resolution was reached prior to the call and that our services were no longer required. As a result everyone was dismissed, BUT apparently we are all to return the following Monday to start the process again, but on a different case. Almost all of us were a bit perplexed, but now I get to go through this again.

Dental Cleaning

So also the next day my visit to the dentist office was the most obscure. I arrived to a construction zone of the office and I didn't realize until I arrived and had to enter through a side door. In any event I found where I had to go and eventually I made it to my hygienist's chair. I've been at this office for years and this is a new hygienist that put me through the gears. I had xrays, a 20 question on my meds and then let her know I had heart procedure in December which ensued a whole other line of questioning and of course Dr. Google. Long story shorty they did everything but clean my teeth so I had to call my cardiologist office just in case something happened and bacteria could get into my blood stream and infect my heart. Yep! But I appreciate the due diligence and the fear of erring on the side of caution. BUT the story doesn't stop as the cardiologist asked for a fax of the dental hygienist concerns and of course I call the dental office back and they don't have a fax machine. So yep you guessed it snail mail request...
 Tune in for that follow on these two events and much, much more 😞

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